Research in Maths
This page contains an up-to-date list of my publications. Please choose from the menu on the left for a brief overview of each research project.
Publications and Preprints
- Frank Rösler, Christiane Tretter; Computing Klein-Gordon Eigenvalues, preprint, arXiv:2210.12516.
(A Matlab implementation of the algorithm is available here) - Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Marco Marletta, and Frank Rösler. Universal algorithms for solving inverse spectral problems, Preprint, arXiv:2203.13078.
(A Matlab implementation of the algorithm is available here)
- Frank Rösler, Alexei Stepanenko; Computing Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Rough Domains, Math. Comp. (accepted), arXiv:2104.09444.
(A Matlab implementation of the algorithm is available here) - Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Marco Marletta, and Frank Rösler. Computing scattering resonances. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 2022.
- Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Marco Marletta, Frank Rösler; Universal Algorithms for Computing Spectra of Periodic Operators, Numer. Math. (2022).
A Matlab implementation of the algorithm is available here. - Jonathan Ben-Artzi, Marco Marletta, Frank Rösler; Computing the Sound of the Sea in a Seashell. Found. Comput. Math., 2021.
Click here to download the slides of a recent talk on the subject. A Matlab package based on the article is available here - Frank Rösler; A Strange Vertex Condition Coming from Nowhere. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 53(3), 3098–3122, 2021
- Frank Rösler; On The Solvability Complexity Index for Unbounded Selfadjoint and Schrödinger Operators. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, (2019) 91:54. (A Matlab implementation of the algorithm is available here)
- Frank Rösler PhD Thesis: Norm-Resolvent Estimates and Perforated Domains, Durham University, 2018.
- Patrick Dondl, Kirill Cherednichenko, Frank Rösler; Norm-Resolvent Convergence in Perforated Domains. Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 110, no. 3-4, pp. 163-184, 2018
- Patrick W. Dondl, Patrick Dorey, Frank Rösler; A Bound on the Pseudospectrum for a Class of Non-normal Schrödinger Operators. Appl. Math. Res. Express 2016