Homogenisation in Perforated Domains
Research article:
- Patrick Dondl, Kirill Cherednichenko, Frank Rösler; Norm-Resolvent Convergence in Perforated Domains. Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 110, no. 3-4, pp. 163-184, 2018
A perforated domain is a domain, from which a periodic arrangement of balls is removed, where both the distance $\mathsf \epsilon$ and the radii $\mathsf{r_\epsilon}$ of the balls are much smaller than the diameter of the domain, as shown in the following figure.
While the convergence $\mathsf{-\Delta_{\Omega_\epsilon} \to -\Delta_{\Omega}+\mu}$ on individual functions has been established already in the 1960s, the question of whether the spectrum of $\mathsf{-\Delta_{\Omega_\epsilon}}$ converges to the spectrum of $\mathsf{-\Delta_{\Omega}+\mu}$ had been open until we proved it in the above article in 2018. In fact, we show not only convergence of spectra, but an even stronger statement, which has further implications for the asymptotic behaviour of the time-dependent problem $\mathsf{\partial_t u(t,x) = \Delta u(t,x)}$ on perforated domains. Such time dependent equations are used in applications for modelling the diffusion of gases and heat flow.
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