This page contains links to recent or upcoming events and other activities and works of current interest to me.
Cardiff Online Analysis Seminar (CAOS):
During the COVID-19 restrictions, Cardiff University has set up an online version of their analysis seminar. It is currently being continued as a hybrid version with both in person and online talks:
(Related: a great number of online research seminars are listed here:
Research Projects:
- SIDING: Schienenanschluss-Identifikation durch intelligente Geolokalisierung
- ARGOS Aufklärung von reaktivierbaren Gewerbeflächen mittels optisch-basierter Systeme
- COCONUT: Computational Complexity in Quantum Mechanics
- QUEST@Cardiff:
- Jonathan Ben-Artzi (group leader):
Conferences, Workshops and Seminars:
- Cardiff Analysis Seminar at Cardiff University.
- Spectral Theory in the Clouds, Intergalactic seminar on spectral theory and differential geometry, Each monday, 17h GMT.
- Informal Analysis Seminar at Cardiff University.
- South Wales Analysis and Probability Seminar
- Paris - London Analysis Seminar